Thursday, September 25, 2008

VP Palin Should Debate Candidate Obama

I'm tired of hearing about the Debate about the Debate that dominates the News Media.

Send VP Sarah Palin to debate Unqualified Candidate Hussein Obama.
It's simple to resolve.

Then watch them cry. At least it would be Fair, except to the "News" and their candidate.

Personally, I don't have any doubt she's more qualified. I do have some concern the "Bipartisan Handlers" might make her job more difficult, but McCain's Bipartisanship concerns me already.

Watch how fast The Media Moderator would huddle with Obama to find questions that might challenge Palin without challenging "Their Favored Candidate."

Doubt there would be any Energy related questions, but maybe some Foreign Policy Community Organizer questions.

Wouldn't that be fun and prove who's really "Ready to Lead."

Of course, Obama can use the "importance of the issue" to back out.

By the way, a Senator that is a candidate for President should resign from the Senate. That applies to all Senate Candidates and includes Primaries. Just think how much we have paid in Senate salaries, in this election alone, for them to run around the country and show how ignorant they are--Clinton, McCain, Dodd, Obama, Brownback, and Biden.

All of these Senators with their infinante wisdom belong to an organization with approval around 10%. Also, some of them have the honor of contributing to the collapse of the market by their legislation, and some having received major contributions from the failed organizations.

Presidential Debate Obama vs Palin!!


Anonymous said...

Right on brother

Anonymous said...

Is this site a joke? You can't be serious? Palin more experienced than Obama? The woman who can't speak in coherent sentences is what you want as Vice President? Who claims foreign policy experience because a plane from Russia flys over Alaskan airspace?

Anonymous said...

From the Uh Uh Uh Guy Uh...

underground community organizer, Socialist/Mafia foreign experience of Chicago in one of the 57 states.