Thursday, December 11, 2008

Who is Unnamed Adviser?

Blagojevich’s Big Conference Call and Valerie Jarrett’s Clean Break

Washington Wire by Cam Simpson reports on Rod Blagojevich.

The call lasted about two hours. On the phone were Mr. Blagojevich, his wife, his general counsel, an unnamed adviser, and John Harris, the governor’s chief of staff and his co-defendant in this week’s case.

But what’s drawing the most interest is who was on the line from Washington, and the sequence of political events that followed that same night and in the ensuing days regarding Barack Obama’s close friend and adviser, Valerie Jarrett.

Any bets on Rahm Emanuel? Any bets he exposed Blago?

Transparency and candor is not B. Hussein Obama's strong suit. Expect BHO Administration to perfect the Clinton Administration tactic of How Do I Fool them Today?

I'm forecasting a new BHO Lawyer Stimulus Department (LSD) to handle the corruption and new laws needed to protect the BHO Administration from the Constitution and the American People. Remember, they already control the Legislative and The Judicial Branch.

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