Monday, March 9, 2009

So This is the Change You Voted For!

Obama is Unifying the Nation Against Washington DC

By JB Williams Monday, March 9, 2009


According to only 16% of the nation strongly disapproved of Barack Hussein Obama on the day of his inauguration. That number has since become 32%, doubling during his first six weeks in office.

Not even all those who approved strongly on inauguration day, still approve today, that number dropping from 41% to 38%.

This most likely has a lot to do with the fact that Obama and Pelosi’s Obamanomics adventure into Marxism, has already cost average Americans nearly $3 Trillion in lost investments and savings, as the DOW lost another 30% of its values just since the day Obama was elected.

$4 Trillion in Marxist Social Engineering efforts, all at overtaxed taxpayer expense may have something to do with it too.

News Flash!

It took leftists seventy years of deficit spending to put the nation a trillion dollars in debt. It took Obama and Pelosi less than six weeks in power to quadruple that number while killing off any hope for a free market recovery of the economy.

Meanwhile, some of the most reliable employers in the nation are headed for bankruptcy court, unemployment has shot from the Bush high of 5% to over 8% and climbing, as the nation, the world braces for the worst economic storm on record. Now that’s making history the hard way!

Obama Chaos has only begun! It's not by accident, nor ignorance, but by plan. Say what peasants want to hear, create crisis, and install government fix.

The Fix Is In. By the time you believe it, it is too late.

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