Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Support Your Representative listed below

Yesterday Joe Straus was re-elected by the Texas House of
Representatives to another term as Speaker. There were 15
Republicans who stood by the grassroots, and if they are your
representative they deserve your thanks:

Representative Leo Berman (
Representative Cindy Burkett (
Representative Erwin Cain (
Representative Wayne Christian (
Representative Dan Flynn (
Representative Phil King (
Representative Jim Landtroop (
Representative Jodie Laubenberg (
Representative Tan Parker (
Representative Ken Paxton (
Representative Charles Perry (
Representative David Simpson (
Representative Van Taylor (
Representative James White (
Representative Bill Zedler (

I have one message to the rest of the Republican delegation who
betrayed the overwhelming opinion of their base: March 6, 2012.
That's the date of the next Republican primary and the day you will
be held accountable for what happens in this year's session. It
doesn't matter how you vote; if bills die in committee it is your
fault because you put a liberal in charge of picking the committee

I want to end on a note of encouragement to my readers. I do not
believe this fight was for nothing. In order to bolster his
re-election, Joe Straus likely had to make all sorts of promises to
pass conservative legislation. Those who voted for him know you
are angry, and since they are starting off the session "in the
hole" so to speak with their constituents, they may be more eager
to over-deliver on legislation.

Even liberal Burt Solomons, who almost lost his seat in the last
primary to an opponent I supported with a few thousand dollars, has
made noises about supporting mandatory E-Verify in the state. God
bless Burt if he delivers on that. Similarly, immigration
flip-flopper Rick Perry gave emergency status to an
anti-sanctuary-city bill in the House. It is only because of your
efforts and pressure that these politicians are doing the right

Politics is a complicated game. I think it's possible we're better
off in a scenario where Straus' committee chairs feel that they
have something to prove to the base to avoid a host of primary
challenges next year. After all, in the 2007 session it was a
Craddick appointee, conservative pro-life Christian David Swinford,
who killed all of the immigration bills at the behest of the Cheap
Labor Lobby. Someone like Swinford is a much tougher nut to crack
in a primary than a liberal Republican.

So to conclude: your efforts were not wasted. Let's continue to
put pressure on our representatives to support our issues in this
session, and if they do not, we can all look forward to March 6,

The Peter Morrison Report

PO Box 8742, Lumberton, TX 77657, USA

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