Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What The Debt Deal Means

What The Debt Deal Means
The final agreement, which the President signed into law yesterday:
  • Raises the debt limit by as much as $2.4 trillion;
  • Allows the debt to continue to grow by $7 trillion over the next decade;
  • Creates a new, 12-member "super-committee" with the power to force major tax increases through Congress;
  • Threatens our AAA bond rating; and
  • Never balances the budget
Washington is addicted to spending and it's a bipartisan addiction. The debt deal passed the Senate with 74 votes -- 46 Democrats and 28 Republicans. You can see the full results at

If you have time, please take a few minutes today to call their offices to thank them for their courage and to urge them to keep fighting. Taking a stand like they did can be isolating at times and it's critical they know patriots like you are standing with them.
  • Pat Toomey (R-PA) -- (202) 224-4254
  • Marco Rubio (R-FL) -- (202) 224-3041
  • Rand Paul (R-KY) -- (202) 224-4343
  • Mike Lee (R-UT) -- (202) 224-5444
  • Ron Johnson (R-WI) -- (202) 224-5323
I am also happy to report that both of the U.S. Senate candidates we have endorsed for 2012 -- Ohio State Treasurer Josh Mandel (R-OH) and former Texas Solicitor General Ted Cruz (R-TX) -- publicly opposed the debt deal.

Conservatives fought for the right policies throughout this debate and forced the President and the entire Washington establishment to respond to our arguments. Our opponents even felt compelled to parrot our message of less spending.

Our strategy of electing rock-solid leaders to the Senate is working. Now we need to expand it so the policies enacted in Washington actually match the rhetoric coming out of it.

Jim DeMint
United States Senator
I encourage Texas to Support Ted Cruz for US Senate in 2012.

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