Sunday, June 29, 2008

Congress is Where Change Must Occur

With the approval rating of Congress lower than President Bush's Rating, Congress is Where (Effective) Change Must Occur in the next election, or the next, before Change You Can Believe In can take place, with either party in charge of the Whitehouse. If The Change you Believe in is Socialism, then no change is required.

This Congress is controlled by Anti-American Leaning and Blame America First Individuals that are driven more by recovering Power They Lost, Maintaining Their Power, and Increasing that Power with Blame Bush Tactics or Blame Anybody, than Politics that is Good for America.

Congress is the problem, is spite of the President. Investigate for yourself the Congressional Action on just the few items listed below:

1. Foreign Policy Differences End at the Waters Edge
2. Immigration/Amnesty Policy/English Official Language
3. Budget/Inflation
4. Deficit/Inflation
5. Funds for Military
6. Energy Policy/Gas Prices/Ethanol/Oil/Inflation
7. Judges
8. Welfare State/Welfare Spending
9. Wasteful Spending/Political Hearings/Partisan Tactics
10. Patriotism, or lack of it

Before you can solve a problem, you must be able to recognize the problem. We, the Citizen Voter, must take more responsibility to be educated, informed, and active.

It is obvious that this Democrat controlled Congress doesn't respect the Will of the Majority of the People by the policies they market, but favor the Polices that keep, restore, and enhance it's Power. Congress is no longer controlled by Statesmanship Principals that many of us expect and respect (Maybe I'm showing my age).

As a Patriotic American, This is Effective Change You Can Believe In!

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