Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Liberty Central’s Targeted Races « Liberty Central

Liberty Central’s Targeted Races « Liberty Central

Publishing our Congressional Scorecards was our first step in determining which Congressional races are the most important for Liberty Central to focus on in November. These scorecards analyzed how Members of Congress voted on legislation such as cap and trade, ObamaCare, and the Dodd Frank Financial Overhaul. Click here to see how your Member of Congress voted during the 111th Congress.

Other criteria for choosing our battleground target races included: talking with grassroots citizens in each state, talking with allies in the conservative movement, assessing the likelihood of success by a challenger, and evaluating the results from the Candidate Surveys (go here to see if your favorite candidate returned our survey).

Our goal is to nationalize these races because of what we witnessed last January: many inside, and outside, the state lines of Massachusetts understood the tremendous opportunity to bring national attention to Massachusetts and elect a more conservative alternative to be the 40th vote against ObamaCare. What happened then needs to happen now on a bigger scale. Friends called friends, volunteers swarmed, and small to large donations crossed state lines, all in an effort to stop the hard left agenda.

Liberty Central is a terrific web site.

The best incumbent grade was C, most were F.
How did we ever get this Socialistic?

Support their picks.

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