Saturday, August 9, 2008

Global Poverty Act

Have you heard of this Act now before Congress? You better check it out?

the Global Poverty Act would force America to adopt the U.N.’s “Millennium Development Goals” as official U.S. policy
Obama Supports Global Tax from United Nations by Christine O'Donnell summarizes the Act currently under consideration in Congress.

No one will believe this is happening to the U.S. Did you?

Dems Endorse Expansion of U.N. Power By Cliff Kincaid
In another bow to the world organization, the platform indirectly endorses Senator Barack Obama's controversial pro-U.N. Global Poverty Act. "It is time to make the U.N. Millennium Development Goals, which aim to cut extreme poverty in half by 2015, America's goals as well," the document says. It leaves out the estimated cost-$845 billion over 13 years.

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