Monday, August 18, 2008

Obama List--More Detail

It's difficult to counter Liberals. Facts aren't the issue as much as feelings. Facts frequently aren't chalanged, only the credibility of presenter or non issue topics. provides more facts about B.H. Obama's Liberal Stand:
Barack Obama has consistently remained faithful to his left-wing principles despite his attempt to run as a moderate, everyman candidate. In David Freddoso’s new book The Case Against Barack Obama, he digs deep into Obama's record and exposes the leftist ideals Obama truly upholds.

Day 4: Top 5 Liberal Stands by Obama
Day 5: Obama's Top 10 Liberal Stands

Voter should be aware that B.H. Obama campaigns on intangibles and feelings. He gets in trouble when he has to deal with real issues. Primarily because he doesn't have the necessary experience, and he can't tell the the voter what he actually believes, or would do. He might tell you what he thinks you want to hear- knowing that he will change later. (I once worked with a Salesman, that believed he could sell you anything, and you would buy it- at any time.)

His Government depends on a Class Society to operate. Government Controlled Taking from one Class and giving to another--rich-poor, black-white, sick-healthy, working-non working, educated-non educated, men-women, healthy-sick, gays-straight, moral-immoral, tax payer-non taxpayer, union-non union, and green-non green. Any Class division is an opportunity to advance government control.

America deserves Change, but Change in the Opposite Direction from B.H. Obama's, which are just an extreme view of most of the Democrat Party, and a growing number in the Republican Party.

Voter be very careful what you feel for, it might cost you, and your kids, more than you felt you were going to have to give.

Which Classes are you in?

Verification Link:
Democrats Offer Lesson in Misleading on Taxes: Kevin Hassett

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