Thursday, October 2, 2008

Debate Tips for Governor Palin

Rush has got it right:

If I were Palin, I don't care what the first question is that Gwen Ifill asks tomorrow night. I don't care what it is. I would start out with, "By the way, Ms. Ifill, congratulations on your new book on the Obamas." Just say that, and then I would answer every question with a lecture on conflicts of interest and how destructive they are to America and good government. The mortgage crisis was filled with conflicts of interest. Barney Frank and Chris Dodd taking lobbyist money and running interference for the crooks their party put in Fannie and Freddie. Point 'em out! Point out the attempt to send billions to ACORN, Obama's pet organization. Democrats insisting on surrender in Iraq is a massive conflict of interest. When they tell us they support the troops, they have the best interests of the country in mind -- as they do everything they can to embarrass the president to gain advantage in elections.

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