Saturday, October 4, 2008

It's Official--"United" Socialist America

My hat, shirt, and now, even my dirty underwear are off to Carl Marx, and you Socialist in America.

With the Financial Bailout, the Socialist Democrats implemented His tactics to a successful takeover of America, openly before our supporting eyes. Many continue working to accelerate His ideas in the new Socialist, but not "United," America. After knowing freedom, it will never be a United country under Socialism.

The key financial tactic started when Government created Fannie and Freddie. Then the justice dept forced banks to implement unsound mandated loans. Then regulators allowed banks to bundle and amplify these loans for inflated resale. The corrupt institutions funded the officials to make rules and regulation needed to destroy the system.

The corrupt Government could only come up with a government only solution because of their elite and infinite wisdom. They can do no wrong. It's always the fault of someone else--that's a government rule never challenged.

Now government runs at least the financial institutions, the schools, and the housing. Working on health care, insurance, airlines, media (radio and internet), and what's left of state's rights-- thanks to California, Michigan, Ohio, New York, Illinois, Mass., and other Democrat controlled, socialist, states.

Remember, other parts of Marxism were already in place prior to this crowing jewel of Bailout + (class warfare, media domination, moral degradation, uneducated population, corrupt judicial system, open borders, language barrier, and all forms of America is the Problem Mentality, without loyalty to The Constitution).

Now that Socialism is obvious, it's harder, but up to you to keep your freedom, if you want it.

The Fight that Never Ends!

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